(912) 629-0671

Georgia Car Accident Statistics

If you, a friend or family member has been involved in an automobile accident, one of the most important things to do is contact a personal injury lawyer. In most cases, the phone call and consultant are free. So, it won’t cost to you anything to fight more about your rights and your options.

At Lewis Law, our caring team of legal professionals is standing by to help you in your time of need. Our legal consultations come at no cost and no obligation. Just give us a call at (912) 629-0671 or submit a web contact form today.

We are honored by the trust you place in us by sharing the details and your case, and our promise to you is to do everything in our power to help you during this difficult time.

Common Contributing Factors of Car Accidents in Georgia:

  • Improper turn
  • DUI
  • Disregard stop sign/signal
  • Improper braking
  • Object or animal in roadway
  • Driver lost control
  • Improper lane change
  • Failure to Yield
  • Following to Closely
  • Speeding
  • Weather conditions

Most Dangerous Driving Times of the Day:

The grid below indicates the days and times when accidents when accidents have occurred in the state of Georgia:

Time: Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Totals:
12am - 4:59am 4,039 1,466 1,652 1,645 1,654 2,154 4,064 16,674
5am - 10:59am 479 475 480 530 484 524 540 3,512
11am - 3:59pm 13,188 24,972 25,717 26,586 25,590 28,342 18,972 163,367
4pm - 7:59pm 7,562 12,725 13,521 14,018 14,068 16,594 9,734 88,222
8pm - 11:59pm 4,031 3,883 4,167 4,426 4,851 6,892 6,342 34,592
Totals: 29,299 43,521 45,537 47,205 46,647 54,506 39,652 306,367

The most accidents occur between 11am – 3:59pm on Fridays. The highest number of fatal crashes occurred on Saturday between 9pm-11:59pm and Sunday between 12am-4:59am.

[all above data http://www.gahighwaysafety.org/statistics/overall.html]

Special Offer from the Lewis Law Group:

Get our FREE, accident safety app today! This is the best thing you can do for yourself and your family BEFORE an accident occurs. Our app, which is being offered at absolutely no charge as a public service, will walk you step-by-step through the things to do (and what not do) after an accident. Most importantly, it will help you protect your rights.

About Us

At Lewis Law, we help injured people. Our entire legal team is dedicated to protecting the rights and futures of victims of personal injuries from across the state of Georgia. We are downright passionate about it, and we are committed to providing the highest quality legal services possible.

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